Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 become more and more fierce. Who will win out, and take over this mess, it’s all unknown. Therefore, no...

中共付费给5家台媒 买新闻赚人心

19-08-17 ;: China using Taiwan media to win hearts and minds on island–sources)为题,报导中共政府以金钱影响台媒,试图推进其统一目的。大陆国台办设立公司...

温哥华看房 港人首超大陆客

19-06-30 和罪名,抓捕海外异见人士和其他中共看不惯的人,就有了法律幌子。温哥华康荣国际集团(Hong Win International Group)公司数据显示,过去几个月内,即港府讨论《送中条例》修订...

News Analysis: The Rosenstein Memo

18-11-15 meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections at the Justice Department on Feb. 16, 2018. (Win McNamee...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 commodities from others. You only have one product to compete with many other products, so how could you win...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 win the business,” British newspaper The Independent reported in April 2013 in an article titled...

跨党派选人 各族裔力挺艾维乐再争普选

18-10-06 ”(run)的鞋子,高喊“Tony Run Run Run”、“Tony Win Win Win”的口号。支持者逐一发言表示,艾维乐的勤恳为民无人能及,对民众的求助有求必应,从降低地税、拨款学校和老人中心...

贸易战持续升温 国贸顾问先赚一笔

18-08-13 )表示,拥有中国供应链的美国企业,正在研究如何把越南或泰国等国家纳入供应网络中。加拿大进出口顾问公司Win Global Partners共同创办人齐格林(Igor Chigrin)表示,自从贸易紧张加剧...

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 visit to China by Feinstein in 1979 helped him win permission to climb Everest.“We had come to build...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 unconventional weapons, designed to launch surprise attacks and rapidly win a war.An Assassin’s Mace attack from...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03 ancient saying that, even if you have very good knowledge and are destined to win first place at the...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 1)

18-04-25 a scholar named Zhao Yongzhen. When he was young, he met a fortune-teller who told him, “You will surely win...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 result of this trade war would be that China bears the pain and reluctantly lets the United States win...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 compassionate, you win people's hearts." There was a saying in the book of Shang, an ancient official...

窃走近3千万 美ATM遭骇

18-02-01 为攻击目标,他们拥有发动“中头奖”攻势所需的工具。根据特勤局26日向银行提出的机密警告,安装XP作业软件的提款机较容易受到攻击,鼓励ATM营运商将作业软件升级至Windows 7,以免遭遇骇客攻击。骇客锁定的...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 a better person and do house chores in order to win back her husband.The high divorce rate can be...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 campaign designed to win access to the new secretary of State, her husband Bill Clinton and members of...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 a win for everyone.Trade with China is not like that. But is U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 to defend a style. His goal is to win the fight to make money. He doesn't get money for...

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 who are virtuous. People's loyalty changes and only kindness will win them over. Whether an...


17-05-16 于今年3月14日修补了这个漏洞,但因该补丁只适用于仍提供服务支持的Windows Vista或更新的作业系统,较旧的Windows XP等作业系统并不适用。与此同时,微软也告知了用户,不要再使用老旧的第一代...

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 “expressed an interest” in reducing the trade surplus with the United States—a win for Trump, if...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 that." There are numerous benefits to being modest. A man who treats others with modesty will win...


16-08-12 (根据微软新规则,使用英特尔、AMD和高通下一代处理器的PC用户必须搭配使用Windows 10。)8月5日,首届C3安全峰会在成都召开,中国工程院院士沈昌祥在做主题演讲时表示,微软Win 10...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 , Luan Ying also paid bribes to many officials to win their trust. Many were swayed by Luan Ying and...

电邮门阴影笼罩 民主党大会在抗议声中开幕

16-07-26 ,会场内到处可见支持桑德斯的代表。(Win McNamee/Getty Images)桑德斯支持者抗议 数名好莱坞明星到场支持维基解密这次公布DNC高层近两万封电邮,引发周日数万名桑德斯支持在费城集会...

朝鲜山寨电脑系统被解密 最大功能监视国民

15-12-29 〞基本上就是苹果电脑〝OS X〞操作系统的山寨版。据分析,最新的操作系统是在2013年前后推出的,那是一个基于Linux系统Fedora为蓝本的系统,风格从此前偏向Windows XP变得更像苹果的OSX。具有讽刺意味...

2015黑色星期五购物清单 最值得期待的十大笔记本折扣

15-11-21 笔记本电脑一直是黑五活动的重头戏,每家店基本都会有几款笔记本电脑打折。现从网络上总结出10款最值得购买的笔记本电脑,以供大家参考。Walmart: 惠普HP 15.6寸 Win 10笔记本电脑 黑...

谷歌Chrome明年停止提供Win XP和Vista更新

15-11-12 谷歌(Google)于11月10日宣布,将不再提供微软(Microsoft)Windows XP和Vista操作系统上Chrome浏览器的更新版,但用户仍可继续使用。据《电脑世界...

何时升级至Win 10为好?

15-07-31 题图来源:网络图片微软于7月29日正式发布Windows 10,  拉开新时代的帷幕。如果你有PC,最好还是更新到WIN 10吧,因为好处太多了。那么何时升级比较好呢?最好等到首个服务发布包SR1...

美国海军为继续用Windows XP向微软支付近千万美元

15-06-24 微软的Windows XP操作系统虽然在2010年就停止销售,并于1年前停止更新,但却拥有庞大的用户群。近日,美国海军向微软支付近千万美元,使其10万台运行Windows XP的电脑获得安全更新...

微软发布Win 10预览版:用户免费升级

15-06-23 至正式版,此后将免费享受一切更新。这意味着Windows Vista和XP用户也能免费升级了。据此前消息,使用正版Windows7和8系统的用户可免费升级至Win10,但需在7月29日微软发布最新系统后的...


15-06-15 /fg754p.exe在wine环境下运行时,可能会提示需要mfc42u.dll文件。可以从XP的WINDOWS...

win10确认免费 或将提高厂商授权金(图)  

15-05-05 策略。其实,微软的免费策略也并非全面性的。微软对外表示,可升级Windows10的消费者中,只有Windows7、Windows8、8.1可以免费升级,而更早的Windows XP、Vista消费者则需...

赴美产子变悲剧 女子带老公婆婆等出庭(图)

15-03-10 ,甚至成为起诉对象,就罪后被关入监狱。11位证人被法官逐一询问是否明白需遵守的规则以及违规后果,所有人都给与肯定答复。为另两家涉案月子中心优孕(You Win)及星星(Star Baby)作证的月嫂、孕产妇...

微软Windows 10 将于21日发布

15-01-21 的特征,而强迫用户学习新的操作模式。Windows 10因应市场需求,将回归到Windows XP就有的“开始功能表”(Start Menu)功能。据悉,微软会移除Windows 8独有的常用工具列...


14-12-26 或者用BT或迅雷下载文件,发现上网和下载的速度明显提升。此项修改对XP和VISTA均有效。为了自己电脑速度时刻都快,值得收藏吧!...

腦筋急轉彎7… 8… 10? 微軟預覽視窗10

14-09-30 以在不同的機器上操作。無論從尋找,購買,還是更新應用程式都兼容於所有的機器平台。”WIN 8從2012年10月上市起就受到多方用戶的批評,因為它拋棄了人們已長期習慣了的視窗介面而改用了可點觸的Metro...